Her say.


“It´s like ten thousands spoons when all you need is a fuckin´ knife”

"I don't walk around with heels that are uncomfortable and skirts that are too tight and makeup that's hideous and cleavage sticking out..."

"I think the norm in the Eighties was to be something you weren't. I fell directly into that category."

"There is a part of me that is 40."

Jagged Little Pill
: "It's a response to the way I was treated, the way I was brought up, the way I was taught to be."

"Peace of mind for five minutes, that's what I crave."

"I've begun laughing again, making up for a lot of lost time..."

"The main advice I'd give to young musicians is don't be afraid to fuck up."

"There is no emotion or part of myself that I'm afraid to write about."  

Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
: "This record has encouraged me to connect directly with people."

  "I drive a Wrangler Jeep and I definitely muscle along on the speed. I've had my share of tickets, though I've calmed down since then. Progressively I get calmer and calmer as the years go by."

"I live in Los Angeles for now, though I'm thinking of moving to New York. I've stayed at the beach for a while in Malibu and I love it."

"Sweating is one of my favorite things to do basically."

"The question is what's normal! I've never really questioned it, the only thing that comes with that is I've denied a little bit of my child and she's coming out in fine form lately."

"I wouldn't date guys in high school if they said 'funner', it didn't take much. I was usually single"

"Since writing Jagged Little Pill I have felt the empowerment and healing that comes from being vulnerable and of speaking as truthfully as possible."

"I watch people in the audience and know that they are not solely there for me. They are there for themselves as much (if not more) than they are for me, which is the most heartening part of all of this."

"I feel younger now than I have in my whole life. When I was 14, I felt 40 years old, now I feel both eight and eighty."

MTV Unplugged: "I just...spilled water all over me"

“I want to walk through life instead of being dragged through it”  

"I was not born to be worshiped"

"I am not writing songs for the critics.  I am writing them for myself"

"I have a huge problem with the term voice of a generation"

"We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear, and sadness, and to me they're of equal value as happiness, excitement, and inspiration."

"I've seen people [at my shows] tapping into parts of themselves that they perhaps felt self-conscious about.  But because I was doing it, they felt the freedom to do it too."

"The one thing I regret the most is not being able to walk down the street anymore and look people in the eye.  But I can do it a little more now than I could a couple of years ago when things were a little crazier."

"If someone hates or loves something, then right on.  I can't rob them of that.  I'm not going to try and change their mind....Something's been triggered in them to react so emotionally.  At that point, I don't think it's about me.  That which we judge in someone else, we're really judging in ourselves."

"The more vulnerable I am, the more empowered I feel because it's my belief that there's no emotion that I have to be ashamed of."

"What we think we can find outside of ourselves is already here."

(On India) "...The most important thing I've learned in India 'Everything happens as it's supposed to happen, and that's good!"

"I firmly believe that the only reason why I'm on this planet, the only reason why I live, breathe and exist is, that it's my duty to be as honest as possible in my art."

"Music will always be a part of my life. I love music and I don't care how [many] units I sell, I don't need to compromise anymore."

"I don't want to burden my soul with anger, not anymore."

"I would much rather have written a song than heard one"

(About the Thank U vid) "Part of what I was communicating was the vulnerability and the empowerment that comes from [being naked]."

"I wish people could achieve what they think would give them happiness in order for them to realize that that's not the way that happiness can be found."

"God loves dirty feet too"

"There's no way around pain. That's part of the charm of being alive."

"I think you become a true adult when you hit rock bottom."

"I hope that there is a very confused 14 year-old girl out there who hears me speak or hears me sing and derives some sort of strength from that" (I heard that when i was 14 - that's exactly what happened :)

"What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are."

"If people don't allow themselves to be wounded and hurt and angry, they'll never get to the next step."

"There are certain mistakes that you make when you're 16 because you're ignorant."

"I'm saying what a lot of people would want to say but are too embarrassed."

"I don't think there's such a thing as a dysfunction free family.  My parents, I love them, I'd jump in front of a truck for them, but no matter what family you're in, there are going to be obstacles, and I'd be lying if I said there weren't any."

"People have always said I was an old soul.  They said I was always a little more intense and introspective than everyone was used to seeing girls be, so they didn't know where to categorize me. It all boils down to the fact that I want to walk through life instead of being dragged through it."

"The more I know the less tortured I am."

"A long time ago, I decided to take the positive things that my experiences have had to offer and not bother with the rest. I've always believed you can make whatever you choose out of what life throws at you."

"Sometimes people are criticized for being honest and forthright because some people have not come to terms with that part of themselves and have a hard time accepting it in others."

"Don't ever mistrust those voices in your head."

"I don't believe in competition, especially in art."

"Female artists come up to me and say, Yeeeah, we're taking over! and I shake my head and say, No we're not. We're joining."

"It's a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell someone you're sad about something."

"I started making music because I could"

"Right now, to be quite honest, I'm not scared of anything."

"When I was getting my immigration done, under American laws I was considered an 'alien with a special talent.' Er, thanks."

"Yeah, I am a hippie. I fluctuate between being very 1996 and very, um, 1970."

"I am aware that there are people out there but I don't read the letters. Yeah I'm afraid of them."

"Profanity is merely an expression of one's emotions."

"I think what winds up happening is that people dip their toes into the pool and it's cold so they just run away, as opposed to diving in and realizing that in five minutes it feels really great".

"I would rather be regarded as a humanist rather than a feminist"

"I've been told a few times that I don't look like my songs. People expect me to have purple hair and a pierced nose and boobs. Then they meet me, and I'm just me."

"So many times I've been just gripping the steering wheel and driving, and just have a piece of paper on my--where my horn is, and just writing sort of looking up and down. I've done that so much! It'll be worth the crash. "

"I never regret anything I do. It's part of who I am now, and I like who I am now."

“...we are temporary arrangements...”


No Regrets ... Growth. Give yourself credit.
Everybody is different. Their view of you may not be correct.
Does it really matter? Who matters? You.
Who do you love? What do you know that no else knows? Take a chance.
Talk, listen, cry. You know how to laugh. Make a fool of yourself.
Enjoy the highs, appreciate the lows ... they are humbling.
Learn, learn about you. Be aware. Patience. Be Positive. Be hopeful.
Don't ever let anyone destroy who you are and what you believe.
Be open to change and evolution. Accept. Reach out. Ask questions.
Hear the answers. Are they right?
Live for the moment but anticipate the future. A good one. You deserve it.
Work very hard. Don't stop. Admit weakness ... your strengths will speak for themselves.
Use your gifts. Yes, you have gifts. Forgive. Let go. Swallow your pride.
But spit it up when you're done to make sure it's still intact
Be gentle. Strong. Kiss. Kissing is wonderful
Keep a promise. Conquer a fear. Don't be perfect, be excellent.
Falter. Balance. Be grateful. Be real
Never give up. Don't be afraid. I believe in you.

Alanis Morissette, (August 1992)









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